Today I have been working on my problem of my fairy tale. If you are not sure what this post is about, I suggest you check out the orientation of my fairy tale. Long short story, I had to recreate a fairy tale for my narrative writing. I chose the 3 little pigs. Instead I changed it into the 3 little fairies. So, I did not get to finish off my problem, but I hope you like what I have done so far.
Peace, Clair and Violet hid in their own domes. After an hour, the ground started to shake like an earthquake. They felt a cold breeze entering through their windows of their domes. “3 domes, 1 jackpot”, said Elliot with a very deep voice. To crush each dome, all he had to do was whistle a very dark tune. “Oh little fairy, oh little fairy let me in”, said Elliot “Not by my pixies of my little wing wings”, said Violet. “Then I’ll whistle and I’ll whistle and I’ll crush your dome down!” Elliot whistled a dark tune and the flowers were crushed to the ground. Violet flew and hid into Claire's dome, but it didn’t mean Elliot was finished.
Hello Faith, enjoyed the way you have taken the basic story structure but changed the characters. I like the ideas of the domes, are they flower domes, like hollyhocks? When you use the simile, "the ground shakes like an earthquake" it builds tension. I look forward to seeing your Musical Theatre posts.