
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

What I learnt at Orana Wilde life Park.

Yesterday was amazing  at Orana park.  I went with my classroom Ako- Ngatahi.  I had fun and our teacher Petra was guiding us and telling us about the animals and their adaptations.  My favourite animal are meerkats .  

I’ve learnt that meerkats have a special sight,  so when they are digging holes underground they have these special glass things to cover their eyes from the sand.

Also I’ve learnt that when kiwis lay their eggs,   the baby kiwi comes out of the egg with feathers.

I didn’t know that geckos tails can rip off and grow again but they only do that if they're in danger like if a cat got its tail it could rip off.

Did you know that gorillas weigh 200 kilograms wow!

Hey you! When gibbons are 6 years old they have to move to Australia really sad right File:Blue Sad.jpg.


  1. You learnt a lot, didn't you! I didn't know that that gorillas weighted quite that much! I like the meerkats too. I think it was just that Gibbon that was moving to an Australian zoo because he didn't get along with the other Gibbons he was homed with.

    1. Thank you for your feed back Mrs Mclachlan. Mrs Mclachlan, whats your favourite animal?

  2. Wow Faith I really like your work it's me Dominique I hope you had
    fun keep the good work up!!!.

    1. Thanks Dominique your a great friend and you to keep blogging.

  3. Hi Faith I like your Orana Park poster and your sentence is really interesting.

    1. Thanks Anneleise for your feedback :)

  4. Faith you are the besssst friend and i respect you and i well do
    anything for you. ;)

  5. and!!!!! :3 ;3 ;).

  6. and!!!!! :3 ;3 ;).


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