
Monday, March 5, 2018

Dork Diaries Research! (:

Today I am researching about Soccer. The main character, Nikki Maxwell, likes playing Soccer.

Soccer is sport where you kick a ball in a net to get a goal. In England they call it Football. They also call Soccer, the Beautiful game or the World game. It was first played in England around in 1863.

The ball is black and white and you can only use your foot to kick the ball. Only the golly can block the ball from the net with its hands.

I don't know much about Soccer, but I hope you all have learned something today! (:


  1. Hi Faith, I like how you wrote about football. I like how you added how its called 'The beautiful game or world game.' I remember when I first played Football, it was hard but fun. Have you ever played football at school in a team?

  2. Thanks Izzy for the advice x


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