Aim: I want to find out how to be safe in Science.
- Bucket
- Water
- Detergent
- Tube
- Gas
- Safety Glasses
- Lighter
1. Get a bucket.
2. Put a squirt of detergent.
3. Fill half the bucket with cold water.
4. Take your loose clothing off, pull your sleeves up, if you got long hair - tie it up.
5. Connect a tube to the gas tap, and put the other end into the water.
6. Turn on the gas and make some bubbles!
7. Wet your hands and wrist up to your elbows.
8. Put on safety glasses and get a scoop of bubbles
9. Hold the bubbles away from your face.
10. Using a lighter, ignite the bottom of the bubbles.
11. Slowly, open your hands.

One of my friends set her hands on fire.
This is what happened:
When the fire was on her hands, it looked like a bright, orange, mini explosion.
As you can see in the photo down below my friend, Sophie, was terrified and her jaw dropped.
When the fire faded away, in the air there was a hoop of gray smoke. But that also faded away.
But honestly, the worst part is the smell. It smelled like rotten gas that hasn't been used in years.

My observation is, why didn't I wanna get my hands set on fire? The reason I didn't want to do it is because, I was scared if it would burn me and I knew that I would panic way to much. So I asked Sophie, how did she felt when the fire was on her hands? She said that it didn't hurt but, she felt heat on her skin like your warming your hands near a fire. I felt a bit jealous for not taking a try but I'm happy that I learned and saw this experiment.
Hi Faith. What an awesome experiment! I liked your description of the explosion and found it very interesting that you could only feel the heat of the explosion and didn't actually get burnt. Would you try this if you got another chance?