So today I got a chance to sing some parts in the song circle of life, but I'm still Rafikis understudy just in case. I was really excited and I'm pretty sure I did very well.
I have a lot of culture pieces of clothing that I could bring to make my costume of Rafiki. I also have this dark brown spiral necklace that my mum got from Samoa, which I'm going to wear in the musical.
I am also a barb singer. I'm singing some parts in 'Circle of Life' and a little bit of 'Can't wait to be King'. There are high notes in the song 'Can't wait to be King' that I will be singing and I am trying my best to hit those notes.
Again, I am so excited to play and perform as Rafiki in the musical!
Credit: Thank you Miss Richardson for helping with my vocals .. :)
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Young Leaders Day!
I had a great opportunity to go to this year 7 leadership program at Christs College which I found out is a all boys school. I was picked as one of the 10 year 7 students to go and represent our school, Hornby High School!
What I really enjoyed in the year 7 leadership program is that I go to meet new people and have a friendship connection with them from other different schools. And the food as well!
There was a guy called Cam that spoke after the introduction of the program. Picking up the key things from his experience that I know was, we should never give up and use resilience.
I learnt that I should never let anyone stop me from achieving my dreams and stand up for myself and be more confident.
I am really proud for those 10 year 7 students who got chosen to represent our school!

Monday, November 20, 2017
Festival of the Arts - Getting Into Character!
Rafikis Understudy!
So today we got to find out we is our role in the musical theatre. I found out that I am a understudy of the character Rafiki.
An understudy is kind of like a back up character. For example: Pretend someone broke there arm and couldn't play the role of Rafiki. That is where I come in and fill in for that person.
But if I did get a chance I might wanna look like this:

In Rafikis role, he does the opening of the musical theatre and starts singing the song, Circle Of Life. What I think Rafikis job is to carry the Pride Lands history. Another fact you should know if you do not know who is Rafiki, he is a animal called a Mandrill.
I hope you like this post and please comment for any questions what so ever.
So today we got to find out we is our role in the musical theatre. I found out that I am a understudy of the character Rafiki.
An understudy is kind of like a back up character. For example: Pretend someone broke there arm and couldn't play the role of Rafiki. That is where I come in and fill in for that person.
But if I did get a chance I might wanna look like this:

In Rafikis role, he does the opening of the musical theatre and starts singing the song, Circle Of Life. What I think Rafikis job is to carry the Pride Lands history. Another fact you should know if you do not know who is Rafiki, he is a animal called a Mandrill.
I hope you like this post and please comment for any questions what so ever.
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Festival of the Arts - Science Plan
Hands On Fire Experiment
- Tray
- Hand Sanitise
- Lighter
- Woollen Glove
- An Adult (To Supervise)
1- Grab a Tray
2- Grab the Hand sanitise
3- Then squirt the hand sanitise 6 times on the tray
4- Grab a lighter
5- And fire up the squirts of hand sanitise with the lighter
6- Put the lighter away
7- Make sure the fire is blue
8- Now use the woollen glove to slide across the fire
9- If the woollen glove is not burnt, then you should be ready to try it on your hands
The First Science Experiment Is What We Are Doing.
So, all we know is that it can burn you after a few seconds.
Hands On Fire Experiment
- Tray
- Hand Sanitise
- Lighter
- Woollen Glove
- An Adult (To Supervise)
1- Grab a Tray
2- Grab the Hand sanitise
3- Then squirt the hand sanitise 6 times on the tray
4- Grab a lighter
5- And fire up the squirts of hand sanitise with the lighter
6- Put the lighter away
7- Make sure the fire is blue
8- Now use the woollen glove to slide across the fire
9- If the woollen glove is not burnt, then you should be ready to try it on your hands
The First Science Experiment Is What We Are Doing.
So, all we know is that it can burn you after a few seconds.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Uru Manuka Logo!
This is my logo. The white shapes are petals which stands for the Manuka flower and the red in the background is also based on the Manuka flower. There are 7 petals which means there are 7 schools in this cluster. And I put Uru Manuka in the middle because, the 7 schools are connected to this cluster.
I hope you like this logo (:
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
My Limerick Poem
So my class got to write a limerick poem of there choice.
My limerick poem is about a random girl named Pearl. So whoever's name is Pearl then this is for you :)
I really hope you enjoy :)
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Gymnastics PE - Goals
Gymnastic Goals
- Cart Wheel
- Hand Stands
- Balance on the Beam
- Do a front flip on the Trampoline
- Cart Wheel
- Hand Stands
- Balance on the Beam
- Do a front flip on the Trampoline
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Water Issues - Science
Finding Drinking Water
I want to be able to turn salty ocean water into drinkable water
Making Ocean Water Drinkable by King of Random
Bottle Distillation by Nighthawk Light
I want to find out how to separate the salt from the salty water.
- two empty beer bottles
- bunsen burner
- salt water
- stand and clamps
- metal tray pans
- Sand
- damp rag
- Put some salt water into a empty beer bottle be able to turn it on its side with out the water coming out.
- Put one pan above the bunsen burner and the other the same height
- Put sand in the trays
- put the bottles firmly in the sand
- wet the sand with the bottle in the not above the flame and put the damp rag on the bottle
- turn on the fire on
- wait about 15 minutes
do not use aluminium trays or foll next time be cause when it is above the flame it will burn and sand will fall out the hole
it worked well but it was very flimsy to put the mouths together I would consider doing it again
Thanks to Cameron :)
Go check out their blogs!
Monday, September 25, 2017
Kaitiakitanga in Science
First Thoughts:
Caring for the environment is really important to me because, if I don't my environment will become dirty, cold, rusty and it could even make people sick. I want to care for my environment so it would be healthy for me and other people to live on. This is what I want the world to be 100%.
Our class has to grow some vegetables as it is our task in Science. We have to pair up with someone, Azaliah and I are partners and we agreed on growing Carrots.
1- Grab a empty egg carton
2- Cut it so there are only 6 holes
3- Fill each hole with soil
4- Poke a hole in the centre of the soil
5- Put in each hole a seed
6- Covered it up
7- Water it
8- Pick it up
9- Put it somewhere with enough sunlight
10- And water it with enough water everyday
Our class has to grow some vegetables as it is our task in Science. We have to pair up with someone, Azaliah and I are partners and we agreed on growing Carrots.
1- Grab a empty egg carton
2- Cut it so there are only 6 holes
3- Fill each hole with soil
4- Poke a hole in the centre of the soil
5- Put in each hole a seed
6- Covered it up
7- Water it
8- Pick it up
9- Put it somewhere with enough sunlight
10- And water it with enough water everyday
Water Cycle:
I predict that our water cycle bag will be filled with air.
My observation is, what would change with my water cycle bag? Well, yesterday the bag just had normal cold water in it. Today, inside the bag it started to drip water. And when I touched the bag it felt like there was something squishy and wet in it. I think Evaporation and Precipitation happened in the bag.
Thursday, September 7, 2017
In P.E we are starting a gymnastics unit from the past experience I don't like gymnastics. Because I get embarrassed by my weight and I don't know how to do gymnastic skills.
Gymnastics was better then I thought it would be. I learnt how to balance my self when jumping on a beam. I might not be the best at gymnastics, but I'm still learning and having so much fun.
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Hauroa - Taha Tinana Experiment!
1. Get both of the trays.
2. Fill them with cold water half way.
3. Now start poring the honey all over the brown bread.
4. Then put the salt and pepper all over the white bread.
5. Cover both of the bread's with foil.
6. Put both of the bread's in to the water.
7. Leave them there for a week.
8. Take a look at it and make sure there are no mould on both of the bread's.
9. Roll up your sleeves.
10. Put on your safety glasses.
11. Put on some gloves.
12. Get a pair of tongs.
13. Pick up both of the bread's with the tongs.
14. Put them on 2 separate plates.
15. Take off the foil.
16. If they're are still no mould on it then you have improved.
17. And that is the end of our experiment.
I want to find out:
How can I make bread fresher for longer?
- 1 piece of white and brown bread
- 2 trays
- 2 plates
- Foil
- Water
- Honey
- Salt and Pepper
- Safety Glasses
- Gloves
- Tongs
Method:- 2 trays
- 2 plates
- Foil
- Water
- Honey
- Salt and Pepper
- Safety Glasses
- Gloves
- Tongs
1. Get both of the trays.
2. Fill them with cold water half way.
3. Now start poring the honey all over the brown bread.
4. Then put the salt and pepper all over the white bread.
5. Cover both of the bread's with foil.
6. Put both of the bread's in to the water.
7. Leave them there for a week.
8. Take a look at it and make sure there are no mould on both of the bread's.
9. Roll up your sleeves.
10. Put on your safety glasses.
11. Put on some gloves.
12. Get a pair of tongs.
13. Pick up both of the bread's with the tongs.
14. Put them on 2 separate plates.
15. Take off the foil.
16. If they're are still no mould on it then you have improved.
17. And that is the end of our experiment.
After A Day:
After A Week!
After A Week!
If you touch these 2 breads, the white bread feels bouncy and the brown bread feels soft. They both look the same except that the salt and pepper has faded away from the white bread, and the honey from the brown bread has faded away as well.
I found out that mould doesn't grow on bread as long as it is in water.
Why did we cover the bread with foil?
Because putting bread in the water over a week will easily grow mould on it so, if the bread was covered with foil in the water then there would be no oxygen for the bacteria to grow mould on the bread.
Monday, August 21, 2017
My Kete Choice Activitie
This is one of the kete choice I have done.
I chose to create a story on a topic of my choice. The tool that I have used was Piktochart.
This story is called: "That Someone" it is about sisters that were living in a orphanage. A sweet couple raised them and looked after them. But one tragic moment will bring you down to tears.
I Hope You Enjoyed It!
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
How to be safe in Science!
Aim: I want to find out how to be safe in Science.
- Bucket
- Water
- Detergent
- Tube
- Gas
- Safety Glasses
- Lighter
1. Get a bucket.
2. Put a squirt of detergent.
3. Fill half the bucket with cold water.
4. Take your loose clothing off, pull your sleeves up, if you got long hair - tie it up.
5. Connect a tube to the gas tap, and put the other end into the water.
6. Turn on the gas and make some bubbles!
7. Wet your hands and wrist up to your elbows.
8. Put on safety glasses and get a scoop of bubbles
9. Hold the bubbles away from your face.
10. Using a lighter, ignite the bottom of the bubbles.
11. Slowly, open your hands.

One of my friends set her hands on fire.
This is what happened:
When the fire was on her hands, it looked like a bright, orange, mini explosion.
As you can see in the photo down below my friend, Sophie, was terrified and her jaw dropped.
When the fire faded away, in the air there was a hoop of gray smoke. But that also faded away.
But honestly, the worst part is the smell. It smelled like rotten gas that hasn't been used in years.

My observation is, why didn't I wanna get my hands set on fire? The reason I didn't want to do it is because, I was scared if it would burn me and I knew that I would panic way to much. So I asked Sophie, how did she felt when the fire was on her hands? She said that it didn't hurt but, she felt heat on her skin like your warming your hands near a fire. I felt a bit jealous for not taking a try but I'm happy that I learned and saw this experiment.
Aim: I want to find out how to be safe in Science.
- Bucket
- Water
- Detergent
- Tube
- Gas
- Safety Glasses
- Lighter
1. Get a bucket.
2. Put a squirt of detergent.
3. Fill half the bucket with cold water.
4. Take your loose clothing off, pull your sleeves up, if you got long hair - tie it up.
5. Connect a tube to the gas tap, and put the other end into the water.
6. Turn on the gas and make some bubbles!
7. Wet your hands and wrist up to your elbows.
8. Put on safety glasses and get a scoop of bubbles
9. Hold the bubbles away from your face.
10. Using a lighter, ignite the bottom of the bubbles.
11. Slowly, open your hands.

One of my friends set her hands on fire.
This is what happened:
When the fire was on her hands, it looked like a bright, orange, mini explosion.
As you can see in the photo down below my friend, Sophie, was terrified and her jaw dropped.
When the fire faded away, in the air there was a hoop of gray smoke. But that also faded away.
But honestly, the worst part is the smell. It smelled like rotten gas that hasn't been used in years.

My observation is, why didn't I wanna get my hands set on fire? The reason I didn't want to do it is because, I was scared if it would burn me and I knew that I would panic way to much. So I asked Sophie, how did she felt when the fire was on her hands? She said that it didn't hurt but, she felt heat on her skin like your warming your hands near a fire. I felt a bit jealous for not taking a try but I'm happy that I learned and saw this experiment.
Monday, August 14, 2017
Adventure Time in Orana Wild Life Park!
On Monday the 7th of August,
The year 7/8's went for a trip to Orana Wild Life Park.
When we arrived there, we got put into groups. One of the people that worked at Orana Park, Sarah, was showing us some of the animals in Orana Park. She would also gather us together and tell us some facts about the animals we saw. There were Cheetahs, Gorillas, Giraffes, Rhinos, Tigers, Lions and so much more!
Hope You Enjoyed :)
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
My Hauora DLO!
This is my Hauora DLO!This google slide will show you some points of each dimension of Hauora.
I hope you enjoy my Hauora DLO and I hope you learned something today. Please comment down below a Positive, Thoughtful and Helpful because, that would be great!
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Equipment in Science
A beaker is used for holding a liquid.
Test Tubes
A test tube is used for putting liquid in.
Graduated Cylinder
A Graduated Cylinder is used for measuring the volume of liquids.
Conical Flask
A conical flask is used for making solutions or holding and measuring liquid.
Stirring Rod
A stirring rod is to stir strong liquid and chemicals.
Test Tube Tongs
A test tube tong is used to hold test tubes if it is hot.
A funnel is used to move liquid one to another.
Dimple Flask
A dimple flask is used to hold different chemicals.
A tripod is used to support or hold the flasks and beakers during experiments.
Bunsen Burner
A Bunsen burner is used to heat things.
Gauze Mat
A gauze mat is used to placed on a tripod to give a beaker or flask additional support or to distribute heat more evenly.
Scissor Tongs
A scissor tong is used to pick up hot things because, its pure metal.
Pipe Clay Triangle
A pipe clay triangle is used to support crucible been heated by a busen burner.
A thermometer is used to test how hot stuff is.
Hope you learned something!
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Maths DLO Video!
Talofa Lava!
Today I made a Screencastify of me solving a maths question with place values. I had a little help with Miss Morgan and Mark Maddren. Here is the Screencastify I have created!
Today I made a Screencastify of me solving a maths question with place values. I had a little help with Miss Morgan and Mark Maddren. Here is the Screencastify I have created!
Place Values,
Term3 2017
Monday, July 3, 2017
Reflection Slide In Hornby High School
This is my reflection in Hornby High School term 1 and 2.
Hope you enjoy this and comment if you have any question.
Saturday, June 24, 2017
My Way To Samoa!
I had a really great time in Samoa. The main reason why I went to Samoa is to be the flower girl in my cousin's wedding. The wedding was beautiful and amazing. When I arrived in Samoa the first person I saw was my big brother, Allen. I hanged out with a lot of family members in Samoa. Mostly my grandmother. I went to Samoa on the 15th of June and came back in NZ on the 23rd of June. It was tiring because we arrived in Auckland at 01:25 am at night, and I had to wake up the whole night till 06:00 am because that was my flight to Christchurch. I have a few photos down below for you to check out.
The Wedding -
My Baby Cousin -
At The Airport -
If you have any questions or comments please tell me in the comment section.
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